You might not know this, but Emacs is capable of opening remote files and editing them.
I have a function defined in my init.el for opening my site's HTML root, and it looks like this:
(defun open-site () (interactive)(dired "/"))
HTML mode is simple - C-c C-t to insert a tag, and C-c C-/ to close one. Here are some of the Elisp functions I've written to assist with HTML:
(defun insert-html-keybind (keybind) (interactive "sKeybind:") (insert "<span class=\"keybind\">" keybind "</span>") ) (defun insert-html-blogpost-tag (tag) (interactive "sTag:") (insert "<span class=\"tag-" tag "\"><a href=\"blog/" tag ".html\">" tag"</a></span>") ) (defun insert-html-template () (interactive) (insert "<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../style.css\"> </head> <body> </body> </html> ") )
For updating my RSS feeds, I've made a simple elisp function: (needs the datetime-format package from MELPA)
(defun insert-rss-item (title description link) "Insert RSS <item> with title, description & link" (interactive "sTitle: sDescription: sLink: " ) (insert "<item><title>" title "</title><description>" description "</description><pubdate>" (datetime-format 'rfc-2822) "</pubdate><link>" link "</link></item>") )